Mein Alpenverein

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Information, Tips & Tricks

Equipment for Mountaineers


Enjoying the outlook at the peak.
Enjoying the outlook at the peak.

What to take with you when going on a mountaineering tour?

alpine boots
rainproof clothing
gaiters (optional)
gloves & bonnet
sunglasses, suncream & cap
infrangible bottle / thermos bottle
headlamp / flashlight
bivvy bag (one per 2 people)
map, guide, compass & altimeter
alpine helmet
hiking/skiing sticks (optional)

Via Ferrata

Scrambling up with a steel rope aside.
Scrambling up with a steel rope aside.

What to take with you when going on a via ferrata?

alpine boots
rainproof clothing
gloves (appropriate for via ferrata)
bonnet (optional)
sunglasses, suncream & cap
infrangible bottle / thermos bottle
headlamp / flashlight
bivvy bag (one per 2 people)
map, guide, compass & altimeter
alpine helmet
via ferrata set (with appropriate carabiner)
hiking/skiing sticks (optional)


climbing outside.
climbeing outside

What to take with you when going climing?

approach shoes and climbing shoes
rainproof clothing, gloves & bonnet
sunglasses, suncream & cap
infrangible bottle / thermos bottle
headlamp / flashlight
bivvy bag (one per 2 people)
climbing basic set:
- alpine belay device
- 2 HMS-carabiners
- safebiner
- 10 quickdraws (for one rope crew)
- 2 sewn slings 120 cm
- 3 prusik loop cords (4, 2, 1 m)
clamping wedges & clamping wedge remover
spring-loaded camming devices (aka. "friends")
map, topos, regional guidebooks


Ski-touring-break at Schoenfeldhuette.
Ski-touring-break at Schoenfeldhuette.

What to take with you when going ski-touring?

rainproof clothing (jacket and pants)
gloves & bonnet
sun-protection (glasses, hut, sunblocker, lipstick)
infrangible (thermos-) bottle
headlamp / flashlight
bivvy bag (one per 2 people)
map (for courses)
guidebook (for courses)
planzeiger (for courses)
Skiset touringski / splitboard (binding for ascending, skins, ski-crampons)
avalanche beacon (multi-antenna-LVS)
DAV SnowCard
hut-sleepingbag (if staying overnight at a DAV hut)



Glacier Mountaineering

a roped party on a glacier
a roped party on a glacier

What to take with you when going on a glacier tour?

alpine boots (suitable for crampons)
crampons with front points
rainproof clothing (jacket and pants)
gaitors (optional), gloves & bonnet
sun-protection (glasses, hut, sunblocker, lipstick)
infrangible (thermos-) bottle
headlamp / flashlight
bivvy bag (one per 2 people)
map, guidebook, compass, altimeter
map ruler "DAV Planzeiger"
telescope-/ski-poles (optional)
harness & alpine helmet
mountain ice axe
ice screw
glaicer set, consisting of:
- 1 HMS screw carabiner
- 1 HMS Safelock carabiner
- 3 normal carabiners*
- sewn sling 120 cm
- 3 prusik loop cords of 4m, 2m and 1m**
hut-sleepingbag (if staying overnight at a DAV hut)

* assymetrical D-Shape, at least two idential
** straight length: loops shall be of full, half and quarter body length; cord should be of 4-5mm diameter depending on rope used

Useful links on the Internet

Webcams and the Weather

How is the weather going to be?
Want to know, how the weather looks like in the alps? Is there still snow on my tour?

Have a quick look at They offer many webcams where you can see the actual situation in your favourite area.

Which peaks do you see?

Guessing mountains - play it as a game!

Which mountain is that? And the one in the front? Not sure? You can learn about the summits on your trips online at

By the way: This one on the picture above is eztipsguZ!

Alpine information service

Guessing mountains - play it as a game!

The "Alpine Auskunft" is a project of the Austrian Alpine Club (OEAV).

If you expericenced something on a tour you want to share with others you can post informations here and you can inform yourself about the actual conditions in the moutains.

Find it at (german website)